First vice chairman of the VRU of the fifth convocation Adam Matynyuk thinks that the early elections have no sense. He has stated on Thursday at the press conference in Ivano-Frankivsk.

According to Martynyuk, “if the initiators of the elections do not obtain required 226 votes, they will not enter the parliament for taking an oath, and the VRU will be incompetent again, as there will be no 300 People’s deputies”.

Martynyuk reminded that according to the Constitution after the early elections holding, new elections couldn’t be held for the whole year. “Just imagine, there will be no 300 People’s deputies and it is impossible to hold new elections. I think, the President will use this article of the Constitution and there will be no VRU for one year,” Martynyuk noted.

At the same time, he is assured that any elections will divide Ukraine and threaten territorial integrity of the State.

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