The Sorochyntsy Fair will start working on August 14, and representatives from some 50 countries will participate in. According to Deputy City Mayor Tamara Pluzhnyk of Poltava, industrialists and entrepreneurs from 15 countries will offer their products here, Cabinet’s press office reports.

Envoys of 36 Embassies accredited in Ukraine and 4 international organizations will be among the guests of the Fair. Members of the Poltava Community in Kyiv and Moscow are expected to arrive in as well.

A spectacular international action - dresses exhibition will take place at the building of a newly-erected press-center. Representatives of 16 Embassies of Ukraine are to exhibit the national dress. Some 260 enterprises will demonstrate samples of their production, and each fifth of them are from Poltava.

Afterwards, an impressive culture and art event will be organized at the Zhabokrytsky Square with 300 professional and amateur companies to perform at 5 concert stages.

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