The representatives of the coalition in the working group on early elections preparation do not consider the working group completes its work today. The leader of the parliamentary coalition Raisa Bogatyryova informed the opposition representatives did not represent any worked out documents today. That’s why the working group has a break now and the parties are working in their own groups. In the morning the representatives of the coalition and the opposition have exchanged opinions only.

Answering the question what is the main problem of the working group, Bogatyryova said: “Discussion is going on about the VRY resolution.”

In turn Petro Symonenko the CPU leader also could not answer whether the working group completes its work today and submits its propositions to the President Viktor Yushchenko and the PM Viktor Yanukovych.

Symonenko noted that both coalition and the opposition have different approaches. According to him, opposition considers the elections can be arranged without following the laws and the Constitution. “Opposition tries to solve the problem only partial changes introductions to the law on elections and it will not resolve the problem,” Symonenko stressed.

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