Yalta will host an international journalists’ fest and a scientific practical conference “Yalta – Retrospective, Realities, Changes” concerning the post-war world structure, the organisation committee reported.

Over 100 journalists from 20 European countries are expected to come. “This year is not an anniversary one for the UN but we have very serious reasons to address the so-called ‘Yalta system.’ Today we face the tendency to strongly reject its basis. The world map is reshaped before our eyes. The unshakable standards of the international law are revised. Even the UN role and its capacities to perform its incumbent mission are questioned,” the organisation committee officials stated.

According to the organisers’ opinion, the journalists “covering daily the most important events happened in the world and voicing the opinion of many millions auditory” have the same right as the politicians, to make their presence felt. “The conference will address the issues related to the history of the current world structure, the main trends of international ties development and the UN role in them,” stated organisation committee officials.

The opening ceremony will be held by Yalta Mayor Serhiy Braiko. Eurasia Media-Centre President Jasoyan will deliver an opening speech.

The conference will be lasted for two days and consist of two plenary sessions. Russian, Ukrainian, German, Polish, Britain, French, Swedish, Slovakian, Syrian, Kazakh, Georgian and other representatives will address the meeting.

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