In his interview to BBC, Ukraine’s Justice Minister Roman Zvarych revealed that he did not regret that he had moved to Ukraine. “I can definitely say that I have no regrets I do not live in the USA because there is at least one country I do not need a visa. It is called Ukraine,” said Minister Zvarych.

He said he meant it. “It was my dream. Sometimes it happened that I had not even dare to dream that one day I would be allowed to see Ukraine. But now I am a citizen of Ukraine and moreover I have been elected MP three times and I am a Minister of Justice again,” explained Ukraine’s Justice Minister.

Responding to the question about his minor accent, Zvarych said: “Of course, I can notice it by myself that sometimes I have some recurrences in my speech melody. It is so hard to get rid of it but, believe me; ten or fifteen years ago my accent was very evident. Nevertheless, I have assimilated very easy; at least my wife says so. I easily got used to Ukrainian reality. I could not perceive it but I could get used to it. The only I miss is NY pizza which is a unique one. When I am in NY, I eat pizza in the first day of my visit.

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