In interview for ukrainian TV channels and news agencies Victor Yushchenko said that the President of Ukraine can dismiss Verkhovna Rada, President's press office reported.

The Head of State reminded, that now, according to Constitution, he can realize his right to dismiss the parliament parliament. "I don’t decline this variant. I want just to say, that, on my mind, the dismissal can escalate confrontation in society and between political parties," the President said . However he emphasized, this step may be the right answer to those politicians, who couldn’t reach mutual understanding.

Next variant of developing the situation may be forming of new coalition, «which would get an answer to all questions on basis of democratic course and freedom». " know, such negotiations continue. I also know, there is progress in it", he said. And added, that he can’t say if this progress is enough about such important positions like, for instant, principles of forming of government and problem with Constitutional Court.

President noted, big role in configuring new coalition plays problem of amount of posts in State power, kind of them. Finding a clear answer on it could guarantee firmness of foreign and internal policy.

Saying about his possible consent on Prime Minister to parliament, President noted again, that it’s not just "technical" step. "I wouldn’t do it immediate. I wish, this my step would be serious and adequate to realities. We don’t want to complain in the future that we dіd something emotionally," the President emphasized.

Next principal position for President is the policy of current parliamentary coalition and its proposed Prime Minister. "I don’t’ let to create the situation, when Prime Minister would provide the policy of confrontation, the policy of refusing of sovereignty etc.," Yushchenko said.

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