Political council of NSNU did not discuss a question of possible start of negotiations with Party of Regions, as Chief-of-Staff Oleh Rybachuk said in an interview to journalists. “This question was not discussed, at least in my presence,” said he.

According to him, as a result of today’s meeting of the political council, consultations within “the three” must be conducted. “The President asked me to be present on these consultations,” said Rybachuk.

Rybachuk noted that it is needed to agree three-four vexed points, which are not as conflicting as the question concerning the post of Speaker, for example.

In response to the question whether the orange coalitions will be probably formed today, Rybachuk said: “I’ve come for this.” “You know, the President has a strong desire to see orange coalition, but he doesn’t want new team make the same mistakes as the earlier sacked coalition,” said the Chief-of-Staff.

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