Our Ukraine suspends participating in Coalition talks, the Head of OU Election HQ Roman Zvarych told Tuesday. Such reaction became a response to the BYuT leader Tymoshenko’s statement on possible distribution of the Cabinet’s portfolios. According to Tymoshenko, BYuT would get the PM office, SPU – Speaker and OU has already got the presidency.

“If President was elected by the same scheme and terms as Parliament, it would be possible to agree with the position of Yulia Tymoshenko. But taking into account the fact that the elections are divided in terms and by legislation, Tymoshenko’s statements are lacking in logic. Hence, something else hides behind these statements - an attempt to deceive the Our Ukraine bloc by means of an ultimatum. OU cannot and will not agree with such adventurous and offensive position of Yulia Tymoshenko. In connection with these statements of Yulia Tymoshenko we suspend our participation from the negotiation process until these declarations are disavowed and refuted,” said Zvarych.

Regarding Tymoshenko’s statement as an ultimatum, Zvarych called two possible OU’s responses: “Either Our Ukraine will agree on it or BYuT will repudiate it. Regarding the fact that we cannot agree on it, so we cannot go on the coalition talks.” Zvarych stressed that the OU had only suspended its participation until BYuT would have cleared its position.

He informed that SPU had submitted its draft coalition agreement for the consideration at 7 pm on Monday. To say about any signing will be possible only after initialling of it by all parties.

The OU draft coalition agreement will have likely been ready by the end of current week, Zvarych told.

In response to the question whether OU draft coalition agreement contains of the portfolios’ issue, Zvarych said that OU would not consider this issue before the initial third chapters – “Principles of Foreign and Domestic Policy,” “Coalition Activity Plan” and “Regulations” – were approved of.

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