NCSJ applauds the positive steps taken by the Ukrainian government to address anti-Semitism. On Tuesday, ministries of the Ukrainian government publicly condemned the anti-Semitic activities of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP), the largest non-state university in Ukraine, and pledged to pursue legal action against it, Action Ukrainian Report informs.

On national television, Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk called MAUP's actions "unlawful," and proclaimed that "there is no place for any form of anti-Semitism or xenophobia in Ukraine."

At the same time, in a press release, the Ministry of Education cited MAUP for its pursuit of activities inconsistent with higher education, and asked Ukrainian law enforcement bodies to analyze the extent to which MAUP's actions can be sanctioned under Ukrainian law.

The government's statements are in response to MAUP's continued support of anti-Semitism and xenophobia. NCSJ has been in close consultation with the government in recent months, following MAUP statements supporting the President of Iran's denial of the Holocaust and appeal for Israel's destruction. According to the Ukrainian Jewish organization Va'ad, MAUP is responsible for much of the anti-Jewish publications disseminated in the Ukraine.

NCSJ Executive Director Mark Levin welcomed the Ukrainian government's moves. "It's definitely an important step in the right direction," Levin said, "and we hope that a full investigation by the appropriate ministries and law enforcement agencies will put a stop to MAUP's hatred."

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