Fertility in Ukraine reduced twice for the last years, as declared by Sergey Pirizhkov, director of Institute of demography and social researches, during today’s international conference “Demographic development of Ukraine and priority tasks of demographic policy.”

According to his data, the divorce rate makes 160-165 thousand annually. As a result, more than 150 thousand children live with one parent only. Statistics says the divorce rate is not compensated by second marriages, especially among women, which influence the birth rate.

Pirozhkov noted that the number of families, which do not want to have children due to social, financial or psychological reasons, increased for the last years.

According to Pirozhkov, researchers estimate the demographic development in Ukraine as crisis.

“We have sharp worsening of all demographic processes – fast decrease of birth rate, reduction of marriages number and increase of divorces numbers, decrease of average life interval, sudden increase of death-rate, including baby death-rate, strengthening of emigration. As a result, we have considerable absolute population decrease and worsening of its qualitative characteristic,” said the director.

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