The Ukraine-U.S. Business Council, Washington, D.C. will hold a meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Tuesday evening, September 6th, for the Ukraine representatives of its members. This will be the first meeting the Council has ever held in Ukraine according to Morgan Williams, SigmaBleyzer, who serves as Chairman of the Council's executive committee.

Ukrainian Justice Minister Roman Zvarych and U.S. Ambassador John Herbst will address the meeting on the topic, "The Law, The Courts, and Business in Ukraine." Their presentations will be followed by a roundtable discussion/question and answer session.

Over 30 persons are expected to attend the meeting which will be held in the Conference Room of the new offices of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) in Podil. Some of the Council's members that will be represented at the meeting include, Kraft, Philip Morris, Cargill, WJ Grain Group, EC Data, AES, Ukrainian Legal Group, Chadbourne Parke, SASI Corp, SigmaBleyzer, Westinghouse, ADM/Toepfer and ALICO AIG Life Insurance Company.

A light dinner will be served compliments of SigmaBleyzer Private Equity Investment Group. The meeting will be held from 6-8 p.m. The USUF offices are located at 35-V Borychiv Tik St., 6th floor (Fortuna Bank) in Podil.

The Council's new President/CEO, Dr. Susanne Lotarski, will make her first business trip to Ukraine, as the new head of the Council, in early October, AUR reported to ForUm .

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