The Government would be raising social standards for servicemen and their families annually, President Viktor Yanukovych said at today’s celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"I instruct the Government to raise social standards for military personnel and their families, and for military retirees," he said.

In this context, the President said that tomorrow, in Bila Tserkva, the Prime Minister would present 50 apartment authorizations to servicemen, and generally, military men would receive 1800 apartments from the state this year. "I demand that the figure at least tripled next year," he said.

According to Viktor Yanukovych, next year will also increase the spending on providing military personnel with uniforms, and their salaries would be raised by 55%, making them equivalent to civil servants.

The President, moreover, reminded of the decree he had signed last year instructing regional executive authorities to support military units stationed at their territory.

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