The level of security alert at Ukrainian nuclear enterprises has been increased to the second out of three existing levels, head of the nuclear energy and nuclear industry department of the Energy and Coal Ministry Petro Chernov told the roundtable "Terrorist acts at power plants: how real is the threat". 

"As of today the security alert level has been increased at all nuclear facilities. Now we have the second out of three levels of security, which are the regular security system, enhanced and crisis management systems. The enhanced security system provides for enhanced patrolling and health protection coverage area expansion," he said, a ForUm's correspondent reports.

According to the official, the situation is under control, and Ukraine meets all requirements of international agreements and conventions, including agreements with IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) on nuclear nonproliferation.

"In accordance with the international legislation and Ukrainian laws, all necessary measures for physical protection at nuclear facilities are observed. Security alert is a part of the physical protection system, and the responsibility lies with the internal troops," Chernov summed up.

As a reminder, the enhanced security level has been introduced at all nuclear facilities of Ukraine due to unstable political situation.

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