People with poor health are not recommended to be in the area of smoke in the Hrushevsky Street, experts and medics told ForUm correspondents. 

Thus, chief of the department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilenko said that there is a real risk of poisoning.

"Of course, a person can be poisoned if inhales this smoke and gas. Level of poisoning depends on the concentration and dosage. I recommend avoid places with high concentrations of smoke or wear personal protection means," he said.

In turn, chief physician of the Kyiv City Health Center Otto Stoika added that in these conditions smoke increases the load on the liver and respiratory system. "Yes, smoke from the tires has carcinogenic substances. People ill with hepatitis and having a weak liver may experience nausea and vomiting," he explained.

Physician advised people to protect the respiratory system. "To protect yourself against the smoke, you should use filters: masks, layered gauze bandages. However, it would be inefficient to wet them as now it's freezing. In principle, outdoors smoke is not as dangerous as in enclosed areas where such burning leads to unconsciousness and fatal intoxication," expert added.

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