Kyiv budget has enough funds to pay salaries and premium to social workers in 2014, acting chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Anatoly Holubchenko said at the extended staff meeting, ForUm correspondent reports.

"Salaries, premium, medicine, food for children will be paid. We even try to balance payments, taking into account debts," he said.

According to Holubchenko, at the moment there are only some issues on wages of Kyivspastrans workers, but KCSA has already provided them with 12 million hryvnia and will provide another 18 million hryvnia soon in order to eliminate debts.

Holubchenko also noted that in the current situation in Kyiv it was important to balance the city budget. "The Prime Minister gave instructions to balance the budget, and our financiers work with all departments and agencies on the budget of Kyiv," the acting KCSA chairman said.

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