Pharmaceutical market analysts have summarized the 2013 market year, the Information-Analytical Bulletin of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine reports.

Despite the government’s decision to suspend the agreement on closer ties with the EU, Ukraine continues to bring its legislation in compliance with international and European standards. Experts of the State Administration of Ukraine on Medical Products say this is done to promote the Ukrainian medical exports and expand the share of domestic pharmaceutical companies on internal market.

In 2013, the State Administration completed a large effort to introduce in the national legislation requirements for GMP and GDP(continuously updated), harmonize inspection procedures with GMP, ban the non EU GMP products and ensure their registration on the domestic market,  as well as successful functioning of GMP/GDP inspectorates.

Among the latest steps Ukraine made in 2013 to harmonize domestic legislation with the EU, is Medicrime Convention and criminal liability for falsification of medicines.

The State Administration experts note that due to enhanced production and licensing requirements for the transition to international GMP standards, the Ukrainian pharmaceutical sector showed a dropping number of producers: from 116 last year to 110 in 2013 (down 5%). However, they point out, the share of domestically produced drugs in the "pharmacy basket" is up from 31 to 33.6%.

In this regard, analysts emphasize data from the State Statistics Service. In the first half of 2013, the retail sales of pharmaceutical products on domestic market reached  14 billion UAH, which is up 15.5% YOY. The retail of domestic production medications amounted to 7.1 billion UAH, which is up 16.6% YOY.

It should be noted that the 5 major pharmaceutical companies account for over 50% of the total domestic production.

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