The law enforcement officers have operation information about the provocations, planned to destabilize situation during peaceful protests in the capital, acting head of Kyiv Department of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine Valeriy Mazan stated.

He urged the rally participants to be vigilant, not to succumb to provocations and not to take part in situations related to the violation of public order, respect each other and act in accordance with current legislation.

Mazan hopes that people's minds will help to prevent possible provocations. "I urge people to report the internal affairs agencies on information regarding persons who during the mass public actions carry some items for bodily injury. Police are ready to respond to all reports. Our cooperation will help to prevent any attempts to complicate the situation and neutralize the offenders," the representative of the Internal Ministry said

He stressed that in the case of violations of the rule of law, the police will act in accordance with the current legislation.

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