The opposition took advantage of the public protests for their own political purposes and is not ready to hold constructive dialogue, forcing the authorities to intensify the direct dialogue with the society. In particular, the ministers of the Ukrainian government will hold more meetings with citizens, speak to students in universities and answer all relevant questions, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Serhiy Arbuzov said during a meeting with students of the Kyiv Trade and Economic University.

"It is a normal situation when students come to protest and show their disagreement. However, it’s not normal when the opposition tries to lead this movement. They did not need to negotiate with us, they just used this protest movement," Arbuzov said, responding to a question why the opposition is not looking for ways to resolve the conflict negotiating with the government.

First Vice Prime Minister said that government representatives are ready to meet with the Ukrainians and convey to them a true balanced position on all relevant issues.

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