Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Vilkul has instructed oblast governors, city mayors, heads of enterprises of Teplokommunenergo, water, gas, electricity, road facilities and state emergency services officials to ensure the stable operation of life support systems, the Information-Analytical Bulletin of the cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine reports.

The authorities assume possible provocations by protesters during peaceful protests that are taking place in the capital. 

Managers must take personal control over the operation of municipal systems and switch to 24-hour duty and ensure round-the-clock watch of emergency teams. They must also provide necessary assistance, if required, and promptly report any problems to the central control office of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

At the same time, experts of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties believe the organizations must maintain all utility systems in the apartments and homes of ordinary citizens, as well as stable operation of government agencies. "We have no moral right to jeopardize the inflow of stable income that is used to finance the work of the state, local communities. It is our responsibility to society. Our actions should be as open and transparent as possible. The Ministry of Revenue and Duties has been remains outside of politics," Minister Oleksander Klimenko said. 

It is especially important so both the population and the businesses could smoothly implement their civic duties and rights.

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