Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski supports signing of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement without release of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, as it will allow solving her issue in future, and she herself calls to such an option.

In interview with the Polish radio station RMF FM, Komorowski said he did not feel cheated by President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. "No, it's generally a strange concept in politics, where it is known a priori of a hidden intention in every situation. I know President Yanukovych for couple of years, since the days when he was in opposition, and I know one thing - he will always be guided by his own interest, interest of his political power and the state, that’s why there is no cheating," said Komorowski, answering a reporter's question.

Polish President assured that will continue supporting Ukraine's European integration, noting that he sees a lot of progress on this path.

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