In order to ensure efficient and successful development of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union after the signing of the Association Agreement, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has prepared a draft Program on implementation of this strategically important document, the Information-Analytic Bulletin of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine informs.

The draft Program includes a list of necessary amendments including 552 items which fall into five main cateogries: institutional and administrative; infrastructure; system and legal; adaptation of laws and meeting obligations to implement the Agreement; and actions ensuring cooperation and dialogue between Ukraine and the EU.

The harmonization of national laws with European legislation, as well as coordination of technical regulations is a large-scale process that requires a significant effort from the Ukraine's Government. Also, according to experts, implementation of the engineering norms will demand a large scope of work and significant investment, both from the government and private capital.

Despite the difficulties, Ukraine is determined to sign the EU Association Agreement, which is expected to take place on November 28, 2013 in Vilnius, and fully implement EU standards.

Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said there was the need to develop and adopt thousands of new regulations and amend thousands of the existing ones, which regulate functioning of the state agencies, businesses, and members of civil society. This is an extremely ambitious goal, whose implementation will lead to global changes in the country.

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