U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt gives instructions to ambassadors of the European Union regarding Ukraine. 

"He behaves in Ukraine like a host, whose mission is to make Ukraine sign the agreement with the European Union," Russian presidential aide Sergei Glazyev said in interview with Ukrainian “Inter” TV-channel.

According to him, it is the U.S. ambassador, who gives instructions to the EU member states’ ambassadors to Ukraine how to conduct European integration policy in the country.

At the same time, Glazyev notes that Russia is currently the main creditor of Ukraine.

"About $130 million are needed to adapt Ukrainian industry to European regulations. Is Europe ready to give such a sum? While Europeans only take out money from Ukraine, European banks are leaving Ukraine. The main investor in the Ukrainian economy is the Russian business. Therefore, responsible politicians realize that they do not need ravaged Ukraine, they do not need a default in Ukraine," Glazyev said.

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