The technological process of connecting Kyiv housing networks to centralized heating starts on October 1. Starting from October 2, it will gradually become warmer in residential buildings, the Kyiv City State Administration press service informs.

"According to weather forecasts, the average daily outdoor temperature does not exceed 8ºC up to October 4. So, it was decided to start connecting the housing stock to centralized heating tomorrow. At least one week is needed to connect all residential buildings to heating. Today, however, about 500 houses lack hot water supply. The Kyivenergo workers are to solve the problem completely until October10-12," first deputy chairman of the KCSA Anatoly Holubchenko said during the staff meeting.

He instructed the first deputy chairmen of district administrations to personally check whether the temperature in facilities, connected to district heating, complies with the established norms.

According to the PSC "Kyivenergo", 34 social sphere facilities were connected to heating as of September 30, on request. 

The KCSA reminded that launch of Kyiv heating systems occurs in 3 stages, starting from September 30. The first stage is connecting kindergartens, maternity homes and hospitals, the second - secondary schools, in accordance with their applications, and the third – residential buildings and administrative buildings of institutions and organizations (at the request of their heads).

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