Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that "wherever Ukraine goes, we’ll still meet sometime and somewhere." 

"You know, whatever happens, and wherever Ukraine goes, we will still meet sometime and somewhere. Why? Because we are one nation. Nationalists from both sides may be angry with what I am saying, but it's true," Putin said on the eve of G20 summit.

"We certainly share the common historical roots and common destiny, we have a common religion, a common faith, we have a very similar culture, languages, traditions and mentality," he said.

According to him, there are, of course, proper characteristics and proper ethnic coloring in everything. At the same time, Putin noted that he is fascinated by Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian language, dances and music.

"During a joint unified coexistence Ukraine has become a great European nation, having received additional territories, population, including at the expense of Russia, at the expense of some areas in the west. The Soviet Union made such exchanges and gave Ukraine these areas," he said.

According to him, as a result Ukraine has become a large state, where there have been held huge investments in infrastructure, industrial development, etc.

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