Verkhovna Rada chairman Volodymyr Rybak believes that the approach of the presidential campaign will affect the work of the Parliament, but hopes that Parliament will be viable.

"We're getting close to the presidential election, and I can see at least five candidates for the president who are now in the Verkhovna Rada. Of course, they will speak and criticize each other, and all together will be looking for a reason to criticize the government," Rybak said in interview.
He recalled that on September 3 Parliament begins work after vacations: "I hope on September 3 we will open the Verkhovna Rada and will legislate".

Rybak said that there are many issues, which need to be considered in Parliament.

According to him, now more than 1.5 thousand bills are registered in the Verkhovna Rada. More than 500 of them are prepared by the deputies from the Party of Regions and the Communist Party of Ukraine, 500 – by MPs from the opposition factions ("Batkivshchyna", "UDAR", "Svoboda") and about 200 – by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The speaker expressed the hope that a period of adaptation of deputies in the Parliament has already passed and "they will hear each other."

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