The Parliament could adopt a resolution on the appointment of early elections in Kyiv even despite the recent decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the appointment of the next local elections, deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission Andriy Mahera said in interview.

"Even taking into account one of the last decisions of the Constitutional Court concerning the appointment of the next local elections in Ukraine, as for me, it would not be a violation if the Parliament adopted a resolution on the appointment of early elections in Kyiv. That is, the early elections of Kyiv mayor and city council members could be held a term before the next regular election in Kyiv, namely in October 2015. There is no anther way out of this situation, out of this crisis," he said.

Mahera named two problems on the way to holding early elections in Kyiv: the inability of the Parliament’s factions to come to an agreement and the lack of funds budgeted for the elections.

"If this bill is passed in the first half of September, it is clear that elections could be conducted before to the Vilnius summit," deputy CEC chairman noted.

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