Priority of the Cabinet in the investment promotion is high-tech industries such as aircraft and ship building, rocket and space sector,  economic development and trade minister of Ukraine Ihor Prasolov said during the 1st International Annual Business Conference ABC: Ukraine & Partners, ForUm correspondent reports.

Along with this, the minister said, there will be stimulated work of such strategic sectors as energy, utilities and transport.

"Now we carry out the National Plan 2013 under the presidential program of economic reform, which created the necessary legal and methodological framework for the economy modernization. The main objective of the program is to launch new incentives for investment in industries with high value-added products, to conduct large-scale modernization and retooling of industry of Ukraine, to increase coverage of domestic demand with domestic products. To reach these purposes, we will create a state development bank, which will be the main tool for lending to priority sectors," the official said.

He added that the government ensures strict adherence to the fundamental task, put by a program of economic reforms - reducing fiscal pressure on business, forming impartial relations with taxpayers, in which the State is a partner of the legal business.

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