This weekend the Trukhanov Island was especially crowded hosting musical open-air concert  Rock'N'Sich. ForUm was among the guests.

Kyiv residents and guests of the capital were arriving early in the morning and in big groups - the entrance was free.

Before the concert itself people were swimming and taking sun

...eating fried sausage, potatoes and salads

...taking photos with Cossacks

...rehearsing lively dances

... and just having fun.

Musicians performed on the moored boat

so the fans who could not find place on the beach

could come closer to the stage standing in water.

The theme of the concert was rock music. And rock music means bikers - harsh and not very.

They even organized their own show on the Island - biker parade, which was visited by the organizer of Rock'N'Sich Oleh Skrypka.

Despite rock orientation of the festival, there was enough room for performers of hip-hop, rap, pop and DJ music. Here is the leader of "Tartak" group Sashko Polozhynski, who is throwing CDs in the crowd and calling girls bikini to come closer to the stage.

The true rock-n-roll started closer to the evening

...when Sweden rap-metal group Clawfinger started its performance. The fans started a huge fire, and even bikers broke into a dance.

High jinks continued even after the concert, as people did not want to go home...

Summing up the festival we want to point out both positive and negative moments. Among negative moments there were high prices for snack and drinks and piles of garbage on the territory of green zone (though the motto of the festival was "Clean Rock! Clean Earth!)

Positive moments include free of charge sanitary zones.

The public order was provided by numerous police officers and private guards.

The most important thing, however, is that both performers and fans had fun.

Alina Yeremeyeva, photos by Maxim Trebukhov

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