The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is the law enforcement agency of the modern type, which is guided by world standards in its work, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych said during the opening ceremony of the monument to "Defenders of the Fatherland Borders," ForUm correspondent reports.

"The State Border Service has become the law enforcement authority of the modern type, which develops, and provides border security of the state," the Head of State said.

In addition, he stressed that the system of border guards, introduction of innovations and modern technologies and simplification of border crossing operations allows creating in Ukraine a strong border agency, providing border, economic security of Ukraine.

"The border guards always have to remember that they are the first to meet and the last to see off the guests of Ukraine. Every day you have to strengthen the authority of the country, to promote the development of its international relations. The quality of work of the border guards significantly influences formation of impressions about our country," Yanukovych summed up.

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