Today, May 3, the Orthodox Christians mark Great Friday - the most sorrowful day of the church calendar, when the suffering on the cross and earthly death of the Savior are commemorated.

On this day of the Holy Week the fast is particularly severe: according to church canons, a believer is supposed to eat nothing but bread and water.

Traditionally, people in churches worship the Shroud, brought to the middle of the church, surrounded by white flowers.

Veneration of the Holy Shroud lasts for two days - until late Saturday evening.

At morning prayer, 12 passages from the Gospels, which tell about the suffering of Jesus, are read. During this worship, believers are holding lighted candles, which symbolize the greatness of the Savior in suffering and spiritual wakefulness of the Christians.

It is not accepted to have fun on Great Friday. It is believed that a person, who has fun on Great Friday, will cry all the year. However, despite this day is sad, it is already preparing the faithful for the upcoming holiday of Christ's Resurrection.

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