A number of Ukrainian regions has long been successfully cooperating with the countries of the European Union, vice Prime Minister Oleksandr Vilkul said on the air of the Inter TV channel.

"We have good experience in cross-border regions, which are included in the Euroregion project. Particularly, Dnipropetrovsk region has large-scale projects with Bavaria and Lower Silesia, starting from energy conservation and ending with the development of local self-government," Vilkul specified.

According to the vice PM, "Ukraine has long been speaking the European language".
"I mean the language of common European values," he added.

Vilkul reminded that tangible progress towards European integration, "from the initialing of the Association Agreement" has been made under the current government.

"This document has 1.700 sheets, in which each word should be agreed. This is a huge job. Many laws and standards have been approved. Visa regime between the EU and Ukraine was simplified. Thus, we have made tangible progress towards European integration, and prior to that there were only five years of dreaming," vice Prime Minister noted.

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