The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement does not bring negative consequences for Ukraine's partners, head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Jan Tombinski said in his speech at the Kyiv Security Forum "Security in dangerous world".

"The association, as such, is a positive proposal, it does not have any negative impact on other partners of Ukraine and does not conceal any kickback," Tombinski said.

According to him, the Association Agreement will open up more opportunities for all partners of Ukraine if the Ukrainian economy develops and functions better.

"It will be a more stable country, it will open up great opportunities for partners in other countries, whether we're talking about Russia or any other country in the world," he added.
He noted that Poland's accession to the European Union opened up huge opportunities for the country and Ukraine also has such prospects. He noted that the Association Agreement means the best conditions, modernization, an action plan for Ukraine to become more favorable country for the Ukrainians. He stressed that more than 7 million Ukrainians in recent years have left Ukraine and moved abroad, and this is due to the current situation in Ukraine, where people do not see prospects for themselves.

"Based on the experience of other countries, it can be said that the association is a set of tools, offered by the European Union. It is the driving force, which can be used for Ukraine to become a more pleasant country to its own citizens, when human interests are at the center of politics" EU Ambassador said.


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