State Duma of the Russian Federation is concerned over the fact that the EU requires rejection of Eurasian integration with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan as condition of development of relations with Ukraine, head of the Russian State Duma committee on foreign affairs Alexei Pushkov said during the parliamentary hearings "Russia - European Union relations".

"The EU applies an approach, first of all, to the states within the former Soviet space, of making a choice - either they will be with the EU or with Russia. I think that this rather harsh approach creates a certain field to the conflict," Pushkov noted.

According to him, thereby a combination of European and Eurasian integration is denied. He believes that these two integrations should complement each other, and not to be perceived as confrontational ones.

"We wish the EU to think again on this issue, especially in relation to Ukraine. The constant need of choice between the Customs Union and association with Europe raises concern, and this complicates choice of Ukraine itself," MP said.

Pushkov is sure that Ukraine is interested in cooperation with the European Union and the Customs Union, and these unions should not be opposed.

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