Ukraine offers Russia a number of joint projects in field of military-technical cooperation. However, there has been no response from the Russian Defense Ministry for the past two months, defense minister of Ukraine Pavlo Lebedev said, during visit to arms fair in Brazil.

"We have offered Russia to revise the agreements on the Black Sea Fleet, particularly on polygons, wharves and social aspects," Lebedev specified.

"We are ready to solve all the questions. But the impression is Russia does not need that," he added. According to Lebedev, the question of the period of stay of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol was not raised in those proposals.

As for the agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on the AN-70 aircraft, "it is not performed by the Russian party," Lebedev said. He added that "the time will judge us".

Kyiv and Moscow implement a joint project on the mass production of An-70military transport aircraft. Completion of the project is expected in May 2013. The cost of one An-70 is estimated at 67 million dollars, the machine should replace the obsolete An-12.


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