Deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission Andriy Mahera believes that in order to appoint election of mayor of Kyiv and the Kyiv Council members on June 2, the Verkhovna Rada should take decision on their appointment by the beginning of April.

"Time is running out. According to the law on local elections, the Parliament shall appoint the next local elections in 60 days prior to their holding. 50 days is a term of the electoral process for local elections. If we consider the date of June 2, the deadline for appointment is the beginning of April," Mahera said.

He noted that the term of members of the Kyiv City Council ends in June, and therefore it is quite logical to appoint the election day at June 2.

Deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission stands for holding the election of the mayor and the city council member as soon as possible.

He stressed that appointment of elections date depends solely on the decision of the Parliament.

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