The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the lists of objects for construction, reconstruction and repair of roads in 2013. The work will be carried out at about 600 objects of road infrastructure. In general, one thousand 400 kilometers of roads will be constructed, reconstructed and repaired, deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Vilkul stated, the press service of the official reports.

"The government has allocated the necessary funding for the construction and repair of one thousand 400 kilometers of roads. The performed work will allow expanding and upgrading the road infrastructure. This will increase the traffic and logistic potential of our country," Vilkul said.

According to the decision made by the government, the cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul and current repairs of roads and bridges amounts to more than seven billion UAH.

According to the deputy Prime Minister, the government is developing a program to modernize the road sector. "The program will include the introduction of modern technologies of road construction and the strengthening of control over the quality of work," Vilkul said.

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