Cyprus came under pressure from threats and ultimatums, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said, opening the Cabinet’s meeting on Wednesday, ForUm correspondent reports.

"Look at what has happened in Cyprus. Recently quite prosperous independent country came under pressure from ultimatums and threats. It announced actually possible forfeiture of part of deposits, put in Cyprus banks, not only those of the citizens of Cyprus, but also of investors from around the world," the Prime Minister said.

According to him, such are the risks of the modern world. "This is the real events of today. The situation, which hit the country, should give food for thought, to specify a priority system. Obviously, the priority for us is strengthening the economy and strengthening social protection of citizens. The first and the second issue are not possible without legislative support," he stressed.

Azarov also reminded that the package of important social government bill has been pending consideration in the Parliament for several months already.


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