The state program for the revitalization of Ukraine's economy can be published and start to be implemented the next week, director of economy development strategic planning department of the Economy Development Ministry Yevhen Oliynykov said during the round table, ForUm correspondent reports.

"From the point of view of implementation of the program I would like to draw attention to the fact that it is one of the few programs including such a requirement as financial feasibility," he said.

The official said that in 2013 it is planned to allocate 23 billion UAH from the state budget and attract 195 billion UAH of investment funds for the program implementation.

However, he noted that these figures could be adjusted. "This document is developed in stages, as the practice of recent years has shown that it is a necessary condition. Moreover, each point of the program is under control of vice Prime Minister, not the Ministries, as management problems sometimes occur even between the Ministries," Oliynykov summed up.

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