Verkhovna Rada speaker Volodymyr Rybak hopes that Parliament will start to work on March 19-22. 

"I think that new MPs will find common ground in two or three months. I hope that the Parliament will work next week, as it is the legislative body of the country, and it should fulfill its obligations," he said during the meeting with the staff of Zaporizhia ferroalloy plant.

The speaker noted that actions of the opposition factions in Parliament are destructive.

"Some members think that they are at the rally, and they are all allowed do everything, they only hear themselves ... Our opposition is trying to do everything so that the worse situation in the country is, the better for them," the politician said.

According to Rybak, this position is wrong, and he urged MPs to reach agreement through negotiations.

The speaker also added he expects the address of President Viktor Yanukovych will be submitted to the Parliament soon.

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