Ukraine can be proud of its military medicine, and its quality will increase after reforming and optimization, deputy defence minister Arturo Babenko said during a round table "Will it be possible to keep military medicine?", ForUm correspondent reports.

In particular, the deputy defence minister said that as of today, one million 100 thousand people have medical support at military treatment facilities. And the military medical department consists of 44 medical and preventive health care facilities in different regions of the country. 

Annually 160 thousand people are treated at day military medical facilities, and more than 1.4 million undergo outpatient treatment.

Meanwhile, the deputy minister called military doctors not to fear the reform, as the optimization involves not only staff reduction but also improvement of this industry. 

In turn, acting director of the military medical department Ihor Danylchuk noted that until 2017 the staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces will be cut to 115 thousand. As for the military doctors, if today they amount to 11.500, in 2017 they will number about 7500.

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