Since the beginning of 2013, the Parliament has received statements from 151 former MPs with the request for payment of material assistance. 109 of them are MPs of the last convocation.

"The price of the issue is about 2.5 million hryvnia per year," the Ukrainian daily says.

According to the law on the status of MP, the former elected officials shall get payments in the amount of the monthly salary of about 14-17 thousand hryvnia, until they find a new job.

If new employment requires retraining, a former deputy shall get 14 thousand hryvnia per month for two years from the state treasury. If an ex-legislator fails to find a new job, then after a year he is paid 50% of the former salary (about 7 thousand hryvnia).

However, politicians should not face problems with employment. After all, they and their families have the right to the first job, the newspaper writes.


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