Education and science, youth and sports minister Dmytro Tabachnyk hopes the compromise bill on higher education will be prepared. This, as ForUm correspondent reports, he said in comments to journalists before the opening of the third All-Ukrainian children's art exhibition "Country of young artists".

According to him, yesterday he did not participate in the parliamentary hearings on the three alternative bills because he was at the government meeting. "The representative of the Ministry took part in the hearing and officially proposed to combine all the best moments in a single bill. I think this is the best way," he said.
Tabachnyk also believes that there is too much politics around laws on higher education. "Some say there will be expulsion for plagiarism. The bill by Kaletnik, Soroka and Kivalov does not provide for this," he said and added that the criteria of plagiarism should be established anyway.

Responding to the question by ForUm correspondent whether a separate law on the external independent testing will be passed, the minister said: "It is necessary to ask the authors of the bill, if they are willing to compromise. I think that the way to find a common vision is not closed".

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