Gas price will be raised neither for the public, nor for the industry, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych told a press conference within the Dialogue with the country project.

"You can be sure that we will raise gas price neither for the public, nor for industry," he stressed.

Meanwhile, the President called the issue of gas supply one of the most difficult for Ukraine.

The problem of providing Ukraine with gas has remained one of the most difficult issues for our country for almost three years, as the gas price for Ukraine is the highest in the world, I am sure. Today we pay around 520-530 dollars per cubic meter," the President said.

According to Yanukovych, the losses in this area make up 500 million dollars a month. However, over the last three years, gas production has been improved and energy consumption by has been reduced by 100% in the steel industry and by 50% in many other industries. The consumption of gas has been reduced from 41 billion to almost 20 billion.

"We use energy-saving technology along with replacement gas with other fuels, mostly with coal and coal-water and coal-air mixtures.

Yanukovych added that the contracts on construction of three coal gasification plants are actually signed.

"Thus, we reduce the consumption of gas, harmful to our economy," Yanukovych said.

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