There are no medical grounds for release of former interior minister Yuriy Lutsenko, head of the healthcare department of the State penitentiary Service of Ukraine in Chernihiv region Mrs. Volkova said, the State Penitentiary Service press office informs.

"I want to emphasize that the patient's health condition is satisfactory and he does not have cirrhosis of the liver. Moreover, the patient has never had most of the diseases, voiced by his lawyers. So I'm surprised why the lawyers invent missing diseases," she said.

"Lutsenko has no complaints about doctors in the colony, now he gets the drug treatment, prescribed and recommended to him. The information about the non-receipt of medication within 20 days does not correspond to reality," the doctor said.

She also added that Lutsenko has been diagnosed no disease on the list of diseases that are the basis for the submission of materials to the court on the release of the convict from further punishment.


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