Illegal abstraction of human organs and their secret transplantation are impossible in practice, director of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital "Kyiv City Heart Center" Borys Todurov told a press conference, ForUm correspondent reports.

"The solid organs live for a few hours, the heart lives 3.5 hours, with one and a half hours spent on its sewing, and another half hour on abstraction and its conservation. The same is about liver. Therefore, when some people say that the bodies of people will be disassemble in the sheds starting from tomorrow, it's at least a manifestation of ignorance and lack of education," Todurov said.

In addition, he said that only three licensed centers for organ transplants actually work in Ukraine.
According to Todurov, illegal transplantation is facilitated by incomplete legal framework and existence of the presumption of disagreement to abstractions of organs from Ukrainians with the death of the brain.

"You have to remember that people who live in expectation of death, are ready to do anything to save their life. And if we do not give them legal opportunities, they will seek illegal ways," he said.
Todurov added that according to statistics, 30% of Ukrainians are mentally prepared to become organ donors.

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