The government has decided to ensure timely payment of salaries to state employees and miners. The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted the relevant documents on December 3, the Cabinet’s press service informs.

"The document is aimed at improving the capacity of local budgets for salaries to employees of budgetary institutions financed by local budgets. Also, the bill on amendments to state budget 2012 provides for finance assistance to local budgets for paying utilities and energy," the statement reads.

The bill provides for an increase in additional subsidies from the state budget to align the financial capacity of local budgets in the amount of 1.370 million hryvnia. This will be done through appropriate reallocation of budget expenditures.

In addition, the government has taken decisions to ensure timely and absolute payment of salaries to employees of state coal mines. The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a decree on the reallocation of budget expenditures to the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry in 2012, identifying for this purpose 270 million UAH.


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