Business must have possibilities to influence the work of the government in economic issues, head of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) Dmytro Firtash said at the Federation meeting, ForUm correspondent reports.

According to the businessman, domestic economy needs this to emerge from the crisis. "It is important for society to bring the level of responsibility of business to the level of its rights and opportunities to influence the economy. After all, employers are pragmatic people, who are guided by economic rather than political logic," head of FEU said.

He added that the role of business is increasing in the world every year. "Private business today produces the bulk of the world's GDP, it is a major taxpayer and employer," Firtash said. 

According to him, the world must return to the real sector of the economy to emerge from the crisis. "The national governments should focus on development of entrepreneurship and private investment. It is impossible to achieve good results without consent of such a policy with business," he said.


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