On Saturday, November 24, the eastern arch weighing 5.300 tones was lifted at 22 m on the site of the Shelter object in Chernobyl.

According to the Chernobyl NPP report, it was another achievement in the construction of the New Safe Confinement.

In general, three raises of the eastern part of the arch will be performed. On November 23, metal arches and jacking system were completely checked, the arch was lifted at 100 mm. Lifting operations are performed with 40 rope hydraulic jacks located on ten lift towers, each 45 meters in height.

A huge amount of preparatory work was made prior to the first lift of the arch, the Chernobyl NPP press service informed. The territory was cleaned from the trees, bushes and debris after the dismantling of buildings and structures. Over 57.733 cubic meters of process materials and solid waste were removed from the industrial Shelter site.

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