For two years, Ukraine increased a coal production by 10 million tons, and now the country has a surplus, minister of energy and coal industry Yuriy Boyko told Ukrainian TV channel, the press service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine reported.

According to the minister, Ukraine will build several companies to turn coal into gas.

"We increased the coal production in Ukraine by 10 million tons for two years, and now have a surplus of coal. But this is a good result, because we will use it at the factories for coal processing into gas. Several of these enterprises will be built at the mining regions, and we will turn 10 million tons of coal into about 4 billion cubic meters of gas, which we are forced to import now," Boyko said.

He also noted that this spring, Ukraine stopped to use gas for electricity production and start to use the electricity production from coal produced domestically.

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