As experience proves, none of mass events goes fully smoothly. Life follows its course with dramas, comedies and sometimes theater of absurdity. These parliamentary elections were not among the exceptions: there were fires, broken safes, panda and even self-immolation attempt.

Unfortunately, there were also some tragedies: four people died in the course of voting.
The results of yesterday's event will be known sometime later, and meanwhile we present a brief summary of the Election Day 2012:

9 am: Ukrainians living in Moscow were not eager to go to the voting station in the embassy. The voting started at 6 am. (Kyiv time), but by 9 am only 60 Ukrainians out of 26 thousand expressed their will. Probably, the voters' mood was spoiled by the first snow.

9.55 am: A 71-year-old voter died in a voting station of Lviv. The man arrived at the station, voted, and then suddenly felt bad and died right in the premises. The preliminary diagnoses says he had pulmonary embolism.

10.13 am: The unknown broke in the server room of the district election commission #104 in Luhansk. Among the suspects, there is one of the MP candidates, spotted near the room the day before by a night guard.

10.20 am: Members of the 626th voting station of the 41th territorial electoral district had to open the safe with autogenous welder, because the keys were stolen. As a result, voting papers numbering between 34 and 302 pieces, according to various data, got burned.

10.32 am: A 76-year-old woman died at one of the voting stations of Irpen city, Kyiv region. The voter arrived alone, voted, went outside and suddenly felt bad. Arrived doctors could do nothing but pronounce dead.

10.46 am: Poltava's voting station # 531174 opened late, because members of the commission could not open the safe with voting papers on time - the lock was jammed.

12.16 pm: Regional center Sumy partially became Poltava. One of the voting stations received 378 Poltava voting papers. The papers were sealed but not replaced.

12.35 pm: Leader of the All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom" Oleh Tyahnybok failed to vote at the polling station in Darnytsky district in Kyiv due to lack of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine. The commission did not let him to vote with the travel passport or any other document.

12.41 pm: CEC head Volodymyr Shapovalov reported that in 55 out of 225 districts members of election commissions misused the stamp "withdrawn".

13.14 pm: A middle-aged voter ate his voting papers at one of voting stations of Odessa region. Instead of putting the voting papers into the ballot box, the voter spread on the box a plastic bag depicting one of the candidates, put the voting papers on the bag and started to eat themю.

13.33 pm: A voter in Lviv threatened to commit self-immolation, when he was detained while attempting to take away the voting papers from the premises of the voting station. According to preliminary information, the man may have mental problems.

14.03 pm: A man died right inside the voting station of Hotin city, Bukovyna. Present members of the commission and other voters could not tell if the man had time to vote.

16.23 pm: In the Kremenchug city of Poltava region the police has detained two men for the attempt to take away voting papers from the voting station. The offenders are local citizens, 31 and 35.

16.58 pm: In Vinnitsa region, the building of the district election commission № 15 was on fire. For some time the building was up in smoke, so the committee members, agents of candidates, party representatives and observers were evacuated for half an hour. When the fire had been eliminated, the commission resumed working.

17.02 pm: Under the guise of pizza for members of the voting stations, extra voting papers were delivered today to the 217th district of Kyiv, coordinator of the public movement "Common affair" Oleksandr Danyliuk reported. According to him, extra voting papers were hidden inside five pizza boxes.
17.26 pm: At a Kyiv voting station (Pechersk), one of the voters recorded a voting panda. A man, dressed like panda, came inside the voting cabin, went out and put his voting papers inside the ballot box, causing no surprise among the present.

19.40 pm: A man died at one of the voting stations of Ivano-Frankivsk region. According to preliminary data, the man had heart attack.
19.57 pm: In Crimea, a man publicly burned his voting paper. In such a way, the voter expressed his disagreement with the absence of the option "against all", which he intended to tick off.  When a part of the voting paper got burned, the man put out the fire and put the half-burned paper inside the ballot box.

19.59 pm: The voting station of Vyshgorod district of Kyiv region offered voters free of charge vodka and snacks.

20.12 pm: Several voting stations in Ternopil went dark before the official termination of voting. The cause of blackouts was not determined.

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